Boyfriend (21M) has been sick for a year. I (20F) don't know whether or not to stay. Please help

Thanks for giving me the courage to post. Your story is amazing and I'm glad you are doing well. My highschool sweet heart (18 at the time) and I started dating and I was diagnosed shortly after. We're 25 and beginning our family :)

Same except wife and my roles were reversed. I would be in a 6 ft hole without her and would be in a nihilistic void. Early on I told her that she can leave anytime and I would not judge her, that was the wrong thing to say as she threw herself into me asking me not to give up. I've gone from throwing up blood to packing my bags to no longer be a burden.

She breaks down food items and cooks fresh meals every meal. Based on every criteria I can see she is by far the best and understanding caregiver.

What ended up happening is when I started losing inflammation I was able to help her but it does take years to even establish a baseline. It's a weird change and the stuff I did in the past no longer exacerbated my symptoms. How can you solve a puzzle that always changes?

This post scares me just because this could have been any of us for reasons we cannot control. Now that I'm in remission I realize that I could have easily been knocked to square one if left during a nasty flareup.

Not to make OP feel bad but the difference between nihilistic contrarian living on the couch pooping blood and a bio/chem grad with a 40 hr work week was my wife. The first 2-4 years it didnt look like we made any progress but once some baseline diets and techniques are discovered it comes quickly.

2018 went from worse year to best year I can remember just because a few more goals/baselines were met. Best of luck to OP but I cannot fathom the difficulty. I didnt have any other family to help me but it was my love for her that drove me to try so hard.

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