Breaking up: tell the truth or give a generic reason?

You can totally receive honesty. Saying one’s needs aren’t being met and why, is honesty. It’s not bullshit…

Bullshit is: “it’s me not you” Honesty is:* “I need someone who’s health and life goals align with mine” or “I need vulnerability and communication and I’m not getting that here.”* Unnecessary criticism and feedback is: ”this isn’t working. I’m ending things because you’re not the healthy person you pretended you were. You’re really bad about being there emotionally” etc

Unless the person asked I just don’t feel it’s necessary or appropriate to lay out their problems and shortcomings. It might make them feel insecure. And you’ve decided to walk away regardless.

If someone wants it to work, I think that’s a great opportunity to offer polite feedback or critique. But if one just kicking someone to the curb, I don’t see why it’s necessary to tell that person what’s wrong with them…if one cared that much they’d stay.

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