Brendent doesnt have CTE change my mind

Look I'm not a neurologist, and you can't diagnose it anyway until they die. So no one can know 100%. ( Even tho he said on JRE he got tested for it and said he was negative)

But if you watch his mma interviews and jre guest appearances in chronological order there def seems to be a drop off. He used to be pretty articulate.

Factor in playing football through college as a Fullback (they mostly block, lots of contact) and his MMA sparring stories of sparring full speed with Carwin and the times he got knocked out (like that clip of him reaching his arms up). The substance abuse. All those awkward moments on the podcast. Idk, it seems he has a decent chance of having it.

I dont wish him to have it bc that'd really suck for his kids and wife.

/r/thefighterandthekid Thread