Accidentally shot your dick off? Good. Male hormones are a distraction from eliminating the enemy.

Yep, celebrating libertinism, meanwhile taking PPPs and asking for Covid Relief.

And what bothers me by far the most with that whole Special Forces Community:

They nearly never comment on trumps or his muppets really fucked up shit (especially since around the summer, regarding the election) but they always feel attacked by left wing politics or democrats or big tech or whatever goes in that direction.

I don't understand these special forces guys. Some are better than others, but in my view the statement above fits the vast, vast majority of them (obviously the ones who are publicy active).

How can you always talk about self responsibility and family values and classic conservative views but never talk about the Trump adminstrations dangerous and hypocrite acting. Especially Trump.

I can see them (SF Commnity) supporting some fuckin retard and hypocrite like Trump jr or Kushner.

/r/thefighterandthekid Thread Link -