We should all welcome Mark Harley

People are going way to hard with this whole thing.

Civil war, a sub divided, treason, ect. Lets tone down the hyperbole a little eh? We discuss the podcast... Yeah we're a community but nobody needs to go to war or die on a hill here for it or anything.

At the end of the day how much does Marg posting really mean? He can get his 15 mins, we can get a whole new menu and then just go from there as we always have. Either he provides content, and then fades away, or he doesn't provide and he disappears.

Also the idea this is some 4d undercover op which is actually working is also ridiculous at it's premise. Brendan is not the type to approve of a subordinate to go in public and disparage him like this no matter the end. For Brendan, the things BGL already said have made him dead to bapa, the bridge is burned.

Anyway, nobody knows who I are so the fuck do I know?

/r/thefighterandthekid Thread Parent