Copied Cody Garbrandt with his son on a necklace not an original bone in his body

What are the odds that Schaub goes bankrupt or gets in trouble for tax fraud in the next 5 years?

Lets be generous and say he’s making $250k a month/$3.0 mil a year. I believe Cali’s highest income tax bracket is around 13%, then he’s got around 37% for federal income tax, plus manager/agent fees I’m sure of another 5-10%. So let’s say he takes home around $1.5 mil annually.

So how this very large man is covering the cost for a mortgage, leasing or purchasing multiple luxury cars, hype-beast clothes/shoes, whiskey, jewelry, electric mountain bikes, and so much more is beyond me. But then again, he’s a numbers guy. I’ll go axe Jay.

/r/thefighterandthekid Thread Link -