I believe it, b. Think about it. You got a good job, a family, kids that look up to you, a life that you’ve spent a long time building for yourself.

Then one day you accidentally cut someone off. They start cussing at you, telling you to pull over so they can beat your ass.

You got two options.

1) You pull over, and either waffle stomp this dipshit into the concrete, get sued, possibly go to prison for up to 5 years, lose everything, and share a room with Bubba the wife beater for the better part of your sentence, or get your own ass beat because the guy is actually tough, and still probably wind up in the same situation.


2) Laugh it off, turn your music up, go home and keep enjoying the life you’ve built for yourself.

When you break it down, it’s an easy choice to make. Ego only goes so far when you have shit to actually lose. Street fighting is for fucking losers.

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