Brief an die Eltern (Fortnite-Verbot)

Well that's just damn funny!! At least he was remorseful for his shunning. Kids are hilarious. I could 110% see my youngest saying/writing this to me. Admittedly - both of my boys are addicted to video games - which I am very much opposed.

But yet - I still allow them to play - rather than having a supremely angry child who wants to disown me. It's about moderation - using the game as a tool/payment (payment meaning time on for chores done).

One thing that DOES worry me about this note --- "much love from your soon no longer existing son. Sorry". While I make light in my above statements, in today's age - it's so hard to take even simple things like kids pissed off over a video game, with a grain of salt. We live in a world where notes like this sadly have to be taken seriously -because heaven forbid IF we don't, and something would happen to that child.... 'but it was right there in in plain sight'.

Hopefully mom figures out a compromise - or finds a more appropriate and approved game for her son.

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