A brief video summary of Crytek's lawsuit feat. Ortwin

a funny video? oh no, we can't have that!

"This is not entertainment. I know today everything gets confused with entertainment and "let us make a meme or silly picture out of it", but this is actually not any of that.

And what we read there is just one side of the coin, of course it is maximally pro CIG. Yes, I agree this looks pretty good for CIG and to me Crytek's accusations and demands sounds like a cheap moneygrab of a company going down. Yet, how it actually is going to turn out legally is a matter of a judge - and in all honesty: if they actually wronged Crytek - this is a legal thing - they should face the consequences for that (even though I am a fan of this project)."

/r/starcitizen Thread Link - gfycat.com