This is why you bring a back up chute

That reminds of the time I ate like an eigth of some super strong hash. Fell asleep only to 'wake up' basically paralysed and unable to speak. After an hour of laying there my body decided it's time to get rid of the poison and despite my greatest efforts my mouth filled with vomit. Unfortunately I was staying at my girlfriends grandmothers flat at the time, on her sofa. There was no way I could move through the treacle world that now enveloped me and so with a willpower I did not know I had, born through fear, I somehow managed to not barf all over the place, but instead calmed my gullet and swallowed the nastiness back down. This happended three more times over the next three hours. Eventually I was able to crawl to the toilet, though when I got there I could not remember how to pee and my body had given up trying to make me vomit so I just sat there and passed out for another hour (I think, someone came to check on me in that time).

After another few hours I was able to ask someone to call me a cab and I got home to sleep for the next 48 hours. Woke up Sunday morning feeling refreshed and wondering what the hell happened to my weekend. I was fourteen at the time. I learned my lesson.

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