Bronze 5 climbing questions

I am not blaming my teammates for I know I am to blame sometimes as well. I am talking about the games that are losses directly because of AFKS, trolls, and things of the sort. Not the games I lose because we were out witted and out played.

I do know there's things I still need to learn; but I was placed silver 2 preseason. Won all my promos except two and somehow ended up in bronze 5 and have been trying to grind it out as of recently. I play normals pretty exclusively, and have been for years. I carry myself the majority of the time and encounter games I get outplayed in and accept the loss as such. Sometimes yes, I do not know where my mistakes come from but like you said this comes from being low elo. I watch LCS, and other youtubers to see how they build and lane and trade. I frequently watch tutorials on league to refresh my memory on things, or to remind myself of a mechhianc a champion might have that I forgot. I practice ward placement; and all sorts of the like.

I've been playing lulu for years, bard for years, Leona for years... it's not the fundamentals I need. This is the first year I've taken ranked seriously is all; I've been playing this game for 2 and a half years now.

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