Bros that have ended long-term (5+ year) relationships, what was the reason?

I had been in a 7 year relationship. I supported him while he was in school. Turns out that during our relationship he had been having flings that I had no idea about. He projected on me his guilt and I always felt I was not being a good partner. I was constantly working on ways to make our relationship better. The last straw was him calling my boss at night on a business trip demanding to know where I was. Turns out whom ever had my room in the hotel previously turned off the phone ringer. I had called earlier, but only left a message. When I returned home from the trip I finally put all the things together I had been ignoring because I loved him so much. Worst was when he wanted to talk, he was unwilling to be honest and talk about any of it, only move forward. I could not move forward if he could not communicate with me. Good thing I did move on, turns out he had been taking money from his work and also signing my name to cash my checks to his own saving account.

People like this, are like this in all aspects of their lives and think they are justified in their actions. To this day he tells people I cheated him in an attempt to cover his tracks. Unfortunately, he cannot show his face in social circles now that he is older because many people have figured him out. What really amazes me these days is the support so many gay people have for those that act this way. If you want to have an open relationship, do so and be honest with your partner, but also your friends. Do not expect others to lie or be deceitful for you. It is simply corrupt. Those that support these people are just as corrupt. No, it is not your business and tell them so, but also tell them that you will not be deceitful for them. I see too much complicity at the honor of assholes that makes life needlessly difficult. They continue to be justified in their actions and continue to ruin their life and everyone else’s life.

I cannot be sad about it these days because I am the luckiest guy in the world to have some of the finest friends. People that are successful and happy and doing amazing things in the world. Lots of people make mistakes. I have offered support or advice to those having issues in their life, but not be complicit in their dishonesty to reality. I live in a far happier world and it feels so good!

/r/gaybros Thread