This is Bull*hi*

Oh and she'll inherit more money that than you'll make in your entire career, oh and she definitely has more (as in quantity and quality) meaningful friendships than you, and runs 2 charities, sorry dude, you wouldn't be worthy of her no matter what, I can tell, you prick is showing. She's probably smarter than you, she actually cares about people, unlike you, I bet in the wake of a terrorist attack you'd use a child or a mother aa human shield. Maybe you'd cry and beg not to be shot, you'd probably do whatever you could to save yourself, including the killing of innocent women and children, your type is pathetic. Oh yeah, idk why you think you're better than her just because she's overweight; but I hope you get sexually assaulted by a majorly overweight girl who fucks you from behind with a footlong fat ass strap-on. I have the money to have someone find out where you live and to pay someone to do that haha, watch out buddy, it doesn't pay to criticize the younger sister of a man who has no qualms with ruining your life one step at a time, because slow and steady is actually more fun in some instances.

/r/amiugly Thread Parent