Bungie can we get a little more transparency?

The top post right now is hyperbole and someone claiming they were "promised" things by Bungie, who absolutely promises nothing. Bungie has been burned by the community before for offering tidbits of information which failed to materialize and then being called liars, scam artists or a greedy corporation that is just out to rip off their players (Bungie is a private company btw). If Bungie delivered an entire Taken King sized expansion with this DLC people would complain that it was too long. If Bungie started talking with the community more they'd get called out as being PR hacks, that talk is cheap and that they have to deliver before anyone should believe "their lies".

This community is great, but when there is a content drought this subreddit is run by the most hyperbolic, emotional and loud. These are people who live to complain about everything, so they will never be happy no matter what Bungie does. Catering to them is a lost cause and the end of the day all they can do is focus on deliverying.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread