C9 Reapered on the Coach of the Split Award: "I think I really deserve it. Because I’m f***ing smart. (Laughs)"

The org failed to make the move to bench Sven up until the very end of the losing streak, also combined with Jack and Reapered's responses during interviews and responses to fans who were all calling Sven to be benched, and I'm not even talking about raging fans. All of that shows their reluctance to bench Sven, who at the time was evidently the weakest link.

I also never mentioned sneaky in this comment or him having any relevance in what I said. He isn't even my favorite on the team, and I was actually a critic of him up until the start of the split. Regardless, I think you are the one who is trying to build a "us the smarties" and "they the dumbass salty sneaky fans" narrative regarding the arguments between the fans. Meanwhile, in reality both sides have valid arguments, but unfortunately, many members of the "real fans" can't sleep well at night knowing the "fake fans" had some good points.

Their original plan is to light a fire under the players' asses, I agree with that. However, the situation was handled very poorly along with logically and ethically questionable moves and claims. This, not the result, is what started my initial skepticism. If we're going by statements from the org, the initial decision is strictly because Jensen and Sneaky were unmotivated, and Smoothie was benched to keep bot lane pairing synergy. The official statement singled mid and marksman positions, without any mention to top or jungle. And if we follow up with actions, as I mentioned before, it took many loses and a shit ton of angry fans before they even touched the jungle position.

We can go back and forth all day but in the end C9 found a good roster, despite the shitstorm they brewed up, the results came (I hope), I'm simply here to to say that the people angry at Reapered/org weren't completely wrong either as the prevailing narrative here likes to claim.

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