A Call for Solidarity

Oh yeah, and also "surely you're not gonna say...". That's pretty antagonistic, don't you think? Pre-emptively dismissing what I was going to say? And you ask why people think you're an opponent in that passive-aggressive manner of yours?

I also don't know why you think you're in any position to give advice, other than possibly in the category of "careers" because

But yes, break everything up into categories when you're giving advice, and then give advice only in a category you're knowledgable in. I'm not going to listen to John Mayer's advice on lifting, but I'll certainly listen to his advice about guitar playing.

This is why I write shit about preppy fashion because I know my shit in that area. I don't even venture into other areas of fashion, like high fashion, streetwear, or edgy fashion. I leave that for people who know more than me in those categories.

Nor do I write about club game, for instance, because I rarely go clubbing anymore.

Similarly, guys should only give advice in categories that they have a proven track record in/good at.

So you should absolutely not be giving advice about hook ups at all.

How basic do you mean? I ask because I know guys with average social skills, but would still have trouble really seducing a woman. Or perhaps that's where social status comes into play? Could you please elaborate on social status?

I'm not sure you understand what we're trying to say. Your social skills, as long as they're at an average/basic level, will not make or break your success at "seducing" a woman.

You don't even "seduce" a woman.

A girl's either into you or not, and that's all up to your looks and social status.

Social status is pretty self-explanatory - how much everyone in the group likes you. So a club promoter has high social status in a club, but perhaps low social status at his dayjob as an accountant.

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