I came across a terrible pro-hunting news article with this quote. How do people not see what is wrong with this?

From some common hunting sites (I'm sure they'd know what hunters look for, seeing as these people are hunters), government sites, and environmental agencies:

http://www.bitesizevegan.com/environmental-societal-impact/deer-hunting-overpopulation-solution-or-cause/ http://www.wideopenspaces.com/shooting-does-instead-of-bucks/

http://www.fieldandstream.com/articles/hunting/2013/09/ten-deer-donts (written exclusively about buck hunting, despite using deer hunting in the title)

"Observed ratios are generally skewed toward does because during hunting season antlerless deer (does and fawns) are often more viewable than bucks, and many hunters inadvertently consider fawns as adult does. Also, in areas of high buck harvest, the actual and observed sex ratios truly can dramatically favor does during and following the hunting season." (http://www.qdma.com/articles/the-reality-of-doebuck-ratios)

http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/big-buck-zone/2013/08/3-step-game-plan-hunting-early-season-giants (all about buck hunting)

Buck only hunting is actually quite common. It is referenced on numerous hunting sites (recreational, professional, homesteading, or biological reserve/environmental control websites).


And here are some statistics from the Canadian government: "Overall, buck harvests have increased almost two-fold since 1999 and are currently estimated to exceed 4,000 animals. Antlerless hunting opportunities and harvests have increased substantially since 2004 to address wildlife-agriculture conflicts" (http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlife/management-issues/docs/WMIMuleDeer.pdf)


Bucks are clearly shown to be favored, both by the way they are constantly referred to on hunting sites, and in government statistics. Nowadays, does are usually the majority, thanks to skewed ratios from hunting, so obviously there are going to be more doe-only hunts, or hunters can only find does. Emily also clearly shows you where she got her information. You should try checking out the studies she links before asking where she gets her information.


/r/vegan Thread Link - i.imgur.com