Came out to parents today

I'm new to this community as well and may not be the best person to give advice just yet, but you should continue questioning these feelings until you find the answer you need as they won't go away. You can repress them but they'll still bubble up eventually. I recommend finding someone to help you (perhaps a school counselor since you're in high school I assume?) or since you've come out to your parents already keep pressing the issue with them so that they can help you find the proper help you need, though I don't know how adamant you're parents are about preventing this other than what you've said about your father or how they'll react beyond this initial questioning.

The severity of dysphoria varies from person to person, though it sounds like you do have dysphoria and are under mental duress over the matter. I had repressed my desire for transition for years and it wasn't severe dysphoria, but still a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. I had thought I could continue doing nothing about it, but the feeling of apathy became painful as there was no joy or meaning in my life, I just existed and I couldn't continue like that.

I hope you find the answers you need and good luck. Stay strong.

/r/asktransgender Thread