Can an Introvert survive in HR?

  • Can an introvert do well in HR? Yes.

  • Are you introverted?


If so, how have you coped with your old habits if applicable?

I'm myself.

  • How do you prepare for discussions, high-level conversations with management or people leaders?

I prepare relevant information, sequence it logically, present cogent recommendations, and ask for a decision. Senior executives appreciate that I don't waste their time.

  • How do you control your emotions when speaking to an employee in specific matters?

What specific matters?

  • Are there any parts of your role or is your role more on the introverted side of HR? If so please give an example (Benefits, Comp) do you prefer this analytical side of HR?

I do a lot of analytics, strategy, and HRIT. I also like creating development programs.

I'm not interested in benefits or labor relations or anything that's terribly operational. I tend to like projects related to higher level topics.

When I manage people, it's on teams. I present to executives when that's warranted.

Being an introvert doesn't hamper that at all.

/r/humanresources Thread