The "You Can Eat Junk And Lose Weight" Starterpack

Ahhhh! This subreddit is helpful in that I feel less alone for having a smaller calorie budget, but I do think it is weird that basically nobody here really cooks. (At least, not the ones who make posts.) It’s not hard to make big, filling meals with protein and veggies, which taste really good and fit a 1200 calorie budget. Lemon juice, vinegar, fresh herbs, peppers and chili flakes all add flavor without calories. I understand that lots of people struggle to fit in cooking on weeknights, but I feel like I NEVER see posts from people about actual recipes. The meals here so often look bleak because 500 calories of highly processed food is not as filling or nutritious or, frankly, exciting as 500 calories of stuff cooked from scratch. I will try to be the change and start posting recipes in here.

/r/1200isplenty Thread Link -