AITA for refusing to drive my sister to school after she grabbed the steering wheel?

I like to think I'm a good driver but I get anxious if something isn't how I like it real fast.

Honestly that’s a mildly concerning statement to hear from anybody who drives.

My sister has started push my buttons with how much she can make me nervous while driving.

Okay so based on the title I was going to suggest she sits in the back from now on; But based on this statement, she can walk.

yesterday we were on the freeway and ... she ... GRABBED THE WHEEL AND JERKED IT TO THE LEFT.


So at this point, it would be perfectly reasonable of you to pull over as soon as it is safe to do so, and refuse to drive he any further. Being on the freeway presumably means you can’t do so immediately, and depending where you pull over it might be advisable to stay with her while she makes other arrangements, or to try and find a bus stop or train station to leave her at.

But seriously, you absolutely do not have to drive her.

My parents are saying were both being ridiculous and I need to be the "big brother" and just drive her

Stand your ground OP. She needs to learn and she needs to understand that actions have consequences, that you will not stand for your (and others’, including her), safety being put at risk, and that you mean what you say.

If this were just a friend, I would seriously suggest you simply never allow them in your car again. As it’s your sister, if you feel she will actually get the message, I would suggest telling her that you won’t drive her for the next three months (or the rest of the current school term, or some other fixed period), and that she will then get a second chance, but will never receive a third chance. Also maybe she sits in the back for the first couple of weeks when you do start driving her again.

... so it’s not like my parents can force me to drive her.

Just to be clear: Even if your parents bought the car and pay for the gas and insurance and you were under 18: As the driver you are absolutely responsible for that vehicle when you are at the wheel. Nobody can ever force you to drive your sister. Yes maybe your parents could take your car privileges away if it were theirs, but that’s not the same thing.

My sister will have to take the school bus to school cause I will not drive her again after that stunt.

Good on you.
But honestly, if you did as I suggest above, and I were one of your parents, I’d be pretty proud of how you handled it, and I’d support you 100%.


Absolutely NTA.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread