I'm having lots or trouble with eating 1,200 calories everyday.

So... bear with me here, we're gonna start with some math.

You have 957 calories left today after breakfast... and you're eating a peanut butter chia pudding for 211 calories. That's a good small meal/snack! Peanut butter is kinda calorie dense, but it does have protein and protein should keep you full for a few hours. That means you have 746 calories left. 1 cup of raw spinach has ~7 calories. What else is in this bowl that's magically going to add ~700 calories if you've cut out bread, pasta, and potatoes (which you definitely don't need to do, it just makes staying at/around 1200 much easier for volume eaters)?

It's possible that going directly from 1500 to 1200 is a bit tough, and you could always take it down stepwise over a few weeks if you continue to struggle. But if you are a small, sedentary woman, then 1200 shouldn't leave you /that/ hungry once you've given yourself some time to adjust.

The best thing to do is to decide how you want to split up your meals size-wise and use that to shape your general diet. How hungry are you in the morning? If you aren't that hungry, save those calories for lunch/snack/dinner. If you need that energy early, then maybe skip lunch or eat a smaller mid-day snack instead. Eat lots of vegetables with a small amount of the protein of your choice and you can eat a ridiculous amount of volume for very low calories. I vary the herbs/spices I use to keep it from getting too boring. The subreddit is great for recipe ideas, but you know your own tastes best and what will keep you on track. Good luck!

/r/1200isplenty Thread