You can fit more men in my virgin daughters!

Also, when you remember that the Bible was written thousands of years ago using ancient language, saying that she turned into a pillar of salt might not literally mean that God zapped her and she became pure NaCl.

Perfect, so we agree you can't trust anything you read in the bible because of said argument. Who's pushing atheism now? Maybe the whole thing was intended to be an epic song like Beowulf? And throughout time and poor translation, assisted by poor education the book came to rise as fact instead of it's intended fiction. It's been translated so many times from ancient languages which might not share anything in common today. Maybe it was Adam and Steve? Maybe the whole thing is just generations of mythology compacted into a volume.

The fact of the matter is. You can I could start at Genisis and work our way through to Revelation and I could dismantle ever page into nonsense.

Christianity mythology is no different than the Greek Mythology, Norse Mythology, or the beliefs of the ancient Sumerians.

You were just born in the ERA or Christianity. In a few hundred years Jesus will be known as another fictional tribal mythological character just like Hercules, or Thor.

Explain to me why the Bible is more relevant than ancient scrips about Odin? It's not, the stuff from the bible never happened. The god of Abraham isn't any more real than the gods of the Greeks or Scandinavians.

You, YOU choose against all logic to hold to the belief that this one. This one you were born, bread and raised into is the actually correct one. If you were born in India you'd have a very different view.

God could have sold us all on the Validity of the bible by having Luke say "And further god said the speed of light is 300 million mete per second in a vacuum!"

He could have introduced a sliver of insight or knowledge unknown to the people of the time which would serve as empirical truth for all generations to come.

But he didn't. Because god didn't wrote the bible. Men did, who knows when and why and for exactly which reasons all parts of the bible came to be. But it is a work of man, that has been used against man for a thousand years. Written back before people could question it. Sadly surviving into an era where it's been completely and absolutely debunked.

There is no wisdom in the bible, the value of the bible to society today is a reminder of our history. Christianity, one religion in a long list of fellow religions risen and fallen.

The god of Abraham is false. It's proven. And to try and argue is ignorance based on your wishes and hopes. Dreams you hold onto despite the entirety of the world around you waking up to the reality of the universe. I'm sorry you have to live your life in delusion.

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