Can a man’s penis be bigger on some days compared to others?

The most recent event, I think, that he had an especially large arousal was after he met my cousin for the first time like a month ago. My cousin is 3 years younger than me, and I think she had a crush on him from the get go because she was flirting and giggling at him. Anyway, my cousin and I are built pretty similarly, we have different faces but we are the same height and weight. I think he really enjoyed her attention, but he’s a man so I understand and the sex was memorable.

Anyway, there is only one other time I can think of when this happened and we had sex like 4 times in a single day after, and that time he met someone at a smoke shop who also looked like me and is the same age. lol.

There is no reason to be offended or insecure, I’m sure because I am married to him. But how do I get his penis to be as big as those two times??? Because frankly, I really enjoyed it.

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