Canada's highest court upholds ruling that Donald Trump did mislead investors

This is the sort of blind ignorant victim blaming that can only come from psychopathy and narcissism. You need to feel so entitled to what you have while being certain you have more coming to position yourself to be demote of all empathy for these people.

Even though the couple decided not to consult a lawyer?

Given your blind admiration of trump, this could have easily been you. Here you are posting against court rulings, which are held by subject matter experts (law) who certainly along with all lawyers involved made a much stronger case than you. Legal precedence that has been set showed that your assertion they should have seen a lawyer is unreasonable. But wait, you, the mighty Wimzer, would have never fallen for this! You would have consulted a lawyer! .. who would have told you exact terms of the legal implications under various scenarios. They wouldn't tell you "I'm not sure this is a good investment" they are a lawyer, not a financial advisor.

Frankly it's sickening the measures you are taking defend this. Victim blaming is vile, trying to remove trump from the situation despite him being named in the suite is hilarious. Remove his name, yes, it's literally on the contract and legal suite.

Your petty logic applies to trump, but inline your alternate reality this is the real world reality. Let me phrase it in a way you will be familiar with: Before trump put his name on it to see if it was ethical, shouldn't he have consulted a lawyer?

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