Canada's oil sands are a major source of air pollution, study says

You are being completely bias to the point that I'm not sure if you are trolling or if you are just another typical person who cares more about money than the future of the planet - humans included (this includes your children and their children if you have any)

wow dude.... just wow.

First off, I am not trolling. Second, I care about money just enough to make ends meet and not have to live on the street.

Your final paragraph there is all i need to see to know without a doubt that you are someone who hasn't had to yet work for a single thing in their lives and possibly is still just in school, or living with their parents after highschool....

Then again I could be wrong, but if we are going to sling labels and names back and forth, well that's what you come off as to me.

Care to try again? Care to be civil?

Oh wait... there is the rest of your doozy of a reply to keep that from happening.

Money is made up, the economy doesn't really exist - it's a human construct of the mind.

Maybe so, but it sure does have some absolutely real impacts on my life, so you go ahead and keep believing that while you sit cushy on your armchair, judging others and etc.


What-aboutism's are a pointless discussion, India and China are fucking things up TOO, but the oil sands is a horribly inefficient way of extracting oil.

Nice deflection. What aboutisms.... seriously.... wow...

Just because they don't fit your current focus of topic, doesn't mean they don't matter at all. You call me biased, yet you cannot even step off your own biased soap box long enough to see that maybe you aren't the only one here who has an actual point to make, or even a point to make at all.

I am not some oil sucking asshole who wishes only to destroy the environment, but neither am I some feel good hippy who thinks everything can be fixed by berating others until they relent and do what is good for the environment.

Things change, sometimes for the better, other times for the worse. It's how we go about that change that truly matters, and is what will actually affect how things turn out for future generations.

If our future generations are going to have any chance at all anyways, they are going to have to be able to use sources of energy other than gasoline, or maybe even in conjunction with gasoline, and all of those sources of energy are going to cause problems in their own ways. Even solar isn't "clean", as you still have to make the panels, which isn't exactly a clean process.

There will always be ways to pollute and wreck the planet. It's how we go about trying to reduce that effect that matters, or at least that's what should matter, and apparently doesn't to some people.

Why? Because even though there are specialized filters attached to reduce the emissions of the oil sands, our best efforts never seem to be enough for you green peace animal fucking peta hippies.

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