I cannot take this any more. want to die. The lack of affection and touch in my life makes me think of suicide every night and every day. Meanwhile I have to be like a nun until something works out. I cannot take this any more. I keep telling myself to toughen up but nothing is working.

I'm sorry you feel this way. After my divorce 8 years ago there were so many lonely nights. I slept on the couch for about a year because my nice, big room was so empty and I would get more than lonely, I'd be scared. The couch was small and seemed to hug me.

It sounds like you really want a relationship but if I can be so brave to speak from experience, that if you feel incomplete and suicidal because you're alone, that there's more to it than being alone, because a relationship does not simply make suicidal thoughts disappear, even though it seems like that is the one thing you are blaming for your unhappiness. You need self-love, and to do this, you need to give yourself A LOT of grace and forgiveness. Put energy into friendships. There are millions, literally MILLIONS of single folks out there. I can name at least a dozen of AMAZING people I know that are single. You are not alone in this. Put energy into making this a better planet, community, put energy into helping others. . .try to actually be happy for other people. I really don't want to offend you because I feel like I empathize with your pain, but I say these things out of experience. It's ok to have self-pity, but you're here for support. . .so move all that energy devoted to self-pity and pour it in to embracing happiness - be grateful that your friends and family are happy. You would want others to be happy for you, right? And try to be honest with them if you just can't be happy - tell it how it is - say, you know, I feel so utterly alone and to see everyone so happy together it makes me feel like you're rubbing it in my face! Start a conversation. . .maybe it will lead to some help, or even an arranged date! But also, try to center yourself before you get into a relationship, because if you hang the 100% responsibility for your happiness on a partner, that is not fair for the partner, and your relationship will not be a happy one.

now, a practical piece of advice - because I know touch is essential for humans - if you can afford it, get a massage regularly. Become a 'huggy' person. Sign up for a dance class like salsa or ballroom, where you have a partner and hold hands.

I once again apologize if I was too blunt or harsh. I wish the best for you

/r/SuicideWatch Thread