[Capitalists] How do you believe that capitalism became established as the dominant ideology?

I see politics on a reaction and reflection of our base animal instincts, and is basically a reaction to people saying “that’s not fair” about something that bugs them, like income inequality or wasteful government spending. An advanced society could make society self regulate itself thru laws to the point it could even regulate how money is to be spent by the people. That where economics comes in, as it relates to how much or how little freedom Joe Citizen has, as it relates to property.

Others can say this better but the West became the most advanced in terms of granting personal freedoms to people.

(Was it imperfectly done, hell yeah, slavery and many other faults. But the idea of personal liberty and having economic freedom, and a successful society (by and large, with important caveats) worked pretty well.

/r/CapitalismVSocialism Thread