Cavs Brooklyn Pick

Copied from another thread Alright.

1) open flair tool in google chrome.

2) complete steps 1 and 2 on the flair tool.

3) Here's where it gets difficult. Type in a player on the team you chose. Once the full name is there you should be able to select him from the list. Step 3 should now be complete.

Right click the text of your players name and select inspect. This should open the inspector and a line of html should appear highlighted. That line should look like this <input id="player-value" size="15" name="size" type="text" readonly="">

Double click the readonly part of it and hit backspace so that it is deleted. Click any where else on the page to make the change. Now go back to the flair editor and you should be able to type whatever you want in the line below the text box in step 3.

STEP 4 IF NECESSARY. If the submit box is greyed out, you'll need to do some more editing. Right click and inspect on the submit button. You should have this element highlighted in the console <a id="submit-button" class="waves-effect waves-light btn disabled">Submit</a>. Double click on disabled. MAKE SURE TO ONLY DELETE DISABLED. Then click anywhere else to make the button change. You should now be able to submit.

Edit: check my flair :)

/r/nba Thread Parent