Champion Combos

Here, have a few more for your list -

  • Renekton and Twisted Fate

Basically the best combination of solo laners if you want to play for top side pressure. Between the EHP granted by Renekton's ultimate and the point and click CC shared by both, you can basically tower dive for free every single time Destiny is up. They also synergize well after the laning phase in finding picks/skirmishing in the jungle, and once TF completes Zhonya's, they become very threatening in teamfights - TF's unavoidable hard CC makes it much easier for Renekton to get on top of carries, something he usually struggles with, and Renekton's insane PBAoE damage allows him to zone for TF while the latter is coming out of stasis.

  • Rengar and Jayce

Samsung White ran this one a lot at worlds. Basically, Rengar can engage at greater range than almost any other champion, but is often unable to abuse that to the fullest because he has to wait for his teammates. Jayce's passive and the incredible range on his Q-E combo let him follow up on Rengar engages very easily, even from a full screen away, and Acceleration Gate supports On The Hunt very well.

  • Rek'Sai and Xerath

Theoretically, Xerath has just about the largest zone of control of any champion in the game, discounting those with globals. Practically, however, that zone is heavily limited whenever his team lacks vision control. The no-questions-asked vision granted by Tremor Sense and Pray Seeker allow him to operate at full power in every situation. They also synergize well in locking down single targets, and ravaging clumped up enemies with their AoE.

  • Cassiopeia and Maokai

A combo geared towards extended teamfights, which are becoming more and more common with the introduction of Cinderhulk. Maokai's excellent engage and ability to keep a single target locked down makes it trivially easy for Cassi to land her Qs, Ws, and R, while Cassi's constant spamming of Twin Fangs makes Maokai's passive healing shoot through the roof.

  • Orianna and Kog'Maw

A tank busting core. Whereas most Orianna combos are focused on catching out multiple carries with Shockwave and some other AoE lockdown ult, this one is instead focused on Shockwaving the enemy front line, giving Kog'Maw the time and freedom necessary to get to shredding them. Their zone control and poke also making them an excellent choice for sieging turrets.

  • Nautilus, Yasuo, and any auto attacking ADC

Beyond the obvious synergy that Yasuo has with every knock up champ, Nautilus has a particularly cool niche that's vital to this comp - he's one of the only champs that can secure a guaranteed, long range knockup on a carry without personally committing to the fight. This allows him to immediately transition to peeling for his ADC, after giving Yasuo a ticket to the enemy backline. Ideally, the pressure created by Yasuo's ultimate will distract the enemy front line, and allow your Kog'Maw/Vayne/Caitlyn/Twitch/Tristana etc. to get free hits on whomever they please.

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