Chaos Magic Touch w/ Gordon White

It's not so much about complete skepticism and refusing to believe anything as it is healthy agnosticism. Peter Carroll's early work is great. And he still does some neat things, EPOCH's an awesome ritual tool even for non chaos magicians, but I feel he gets too full of skepticism which I feel is incompatible with successful magic. He repairs this by putting his faith in his mathematics which is really just pseudoscience and ironically his personal belief.

It's about trying out new things and getting out of your comfort zone in various ways. To me, it's not about "this is all bullshit", it's about "how far can you tweak this before it breaks". For example, a popular concept in CM is servitors. A lot of people just simplify it to the the AO Spare sigil method but anthropomorphize it and pour extra belief into it and that's just lazy imo. As soon as I started learning more, that kind of lazy magic stopped working for me. What you could do, it combine imagery from symbols of whatever field you're familiar with(alchemy, planetary symbols and kameas, kaballah, your own symbols, tarot, paganism, hinduism, popular culture, psychology, etc.) and see if you can get your own spirit with a custom sigil/seal to work the same as something from an old grimoire. After all, the people who wrote this grimoires had to get their information from somewhere. I mean, that's not the only option, they probably scryed for themselves to get the seals and you could try that. So many other options.

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