Chinese Billionaire Says - The U.S. has wasted over $14 trillion on warfare over the past three decades — money that, could’ve been invested in domestic infrastructure and programs for the American people.

Here's my concern:

It looks like as long as we maintain a significant nuclear arsenal and anti-missile systems, and our nuclear subs, we could cut all other military spending and be perfectly safe (no one would attack us for fear of nuclear retaliation, and we'd be protected against small nuclear attacks from North Korea via our anti missile system we set up (or are setting up?) in South Korea or Japan, I forget exactly where. And maybe we keep troops in certain key locations such as Japan, and maintain troops in areas where we're serving as protection under various agreements...

And we could cut all other spending and be safe. However, wouldn't that allow other countries to catch up with our current lead in warfare technology, and even bypass us? Don't you sleep better at night knowing we could take on anyone who ever thought to attack us?

I mean, doesn't China have some kind of goal that the whole world should be China? And wouldn't Russia love to control the world too? Isn't there still significant dormant, potential military threat from world powers that want more territory and are unhappy with their current level of power in the world?

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