The Chinese dialogues of the rude Liyue merchants are not rude at all

That's really interesting.

I went and check in the Japanese translation (I play with JP) and turns out that he is absolutely not rude.

Girl: ここに来たというのは心の準備ができたとういうことですね。いくら持ってきました?

If you are hear it must mean you are ready [for this]. How much will it be? [lit. "how much money do you have on you"]?

Traveler: ここの茶は高いの

You mean that here is expensive? [lit "is the tea expensive here?"]

Girl: ここの茶室は茶を売っているだなんて、誰もいってませんが

Albeit this is called "tea room", I didn't say we sell tea.

Girl: あなたのような何も知らない人はここに来るより、普通の茶屋で講談を聞いた方がいいですよ

It would be best if a person who isn't aware of the situation like you would go to an ordinary tea store to listen to some stories [the plays some people do in Liyue]

Girl: トラブルは少ないほがいいですからね

That will prevent you from incurring into any kind of trouble [in english "trouble" sounds "being beaten", but in Japanese it's literally just "trouble", negative experiences of all kind. I think she is referring to loose money]

Girl: 。。。これ以上ここにいると、警備を呼んで「お見送り」しまよ

I'll have to call security and asks them to escort you away if you don't clear the premises. [This sentence feels more what a person would say when another refuses to move him/herself, rather than "go home". I think it was written with the idea that Traveler refused to move away in their mind]

It has to be noted that in Japanese there is a strict etiquette when it comes to customer/store employee relationships. The girl does not uses the customary form of 尊敬語 when referring to Traveler, which makes her look endearing and not accommodating, but she speaks strictly in the form of 丁寧語 which underlines that she is being polite.

In Japanese lack of being polite is usually expressed in the form of タメ語 which is not being used at all.

In short, she comes off as someone who immediately tells you are not a customer and never treats you like one, sounding kinda of suspicious, but never rude. She actually sounds like she understand you ended up in the wrong place and for your sake alone she is suggesting you to go away. I sense no negativity from here.

I'll check the other dude later, but I think that the English rudeness was more like an idea of the English translation team.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread