Is the JRE Empire now just a slowly crumbling house of cards?

You have to put his abilities in context. Joe started TKD at 15 and stopped competing at 20. Half his entire “fight career” was fighting children. How high do you think the competition level was? I’m not saying the guy you are replying to is right but the fact Joe beat some nobody teens at a nothing event over 30 years ago isn’t really proving your side either.

A better example is him fighting other actual adults. He says himself that he used to get massacred during training because he doesn’t know how to box. He went to one amateur kickboxing event and quit competitive fighting forever. This was when he was 21. He has never competed in BJJ, never sparred an MMA match. There is a difference between being good at BJJ and being able to fight. I competed in BJJ, I can tap out an average person 9/10 times. The local redneck at the bar with zero training and a Tapout vest could probably put me in a coma because actual fighting and rolling around in a safe environment where people aren’t actually trying to hurt you are two wildly different things.

It’s absolutely fair to call Rogan out after he said he thinks only around 50 untrained people in the entire world could beat him in a fight.

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