[Christians Only] Meeting/dating christian women? How?

Well, keep in mind man, of course I sound somewhat desperate, I'm posting on the internet out of frustration. In one sense yes, I feel desperate, on the other though, I'm not willing to compromise what I believe or my values to find a woman. So in that sense, no, I'm not desperate.

I think before you even think about dating a girl you should really work on becoming really good friends with solid Christian girls without having any other secret agenda or intention.

I have "friends" that are women, I use quotations because frankly I don't feel like I have many friends at all, rather a whole lot of acquaintances. But I have people that when I show up for church show interest in me and my life (and I in theirs) and we can talk for a little. Some of these are women, which I have no romantic interest in (despite the fact that they are very attractive, I like them, just not romantically).

During that time really work on yourself. Workout, eat healthy, start to care more about how you dress, read the bible regularly, get into the word, study theology, and instead of praying to get something out of God pray for others and develop an attitude of thankfulness. All of these things will help you become the kind of guy that a nice Christian girl would want to date.

Ive spent the last several YEARS doing this. I did the whole "i'm just going to focus on myself" thing for a while and dove into self improvement and making myself into the type of person I would want to date, if I desire a quality in a woman (such as being close to god) then I would strive to have that quality in myself. I spent TO MUCH time working on my appearance, I'm not attractive but I'm well groomed and not ugly and not fat.

My frustration is that I can't seem to MEET women. Like, literally I suck at meeting new people in general, much less women though. Its like the places I go are just devoid of single christian women, and the ones that are there I have so little in common with its not even funny. I see everyone getting married, so there are less and less available christian women in an already VERY small group (because to be honest, in my area there are lot of people, men and women, who call themselves christian but have absolutely no desire to pursue God, much less with everything they have)

The problem with your advice is its nothing new. Ive spent years focusing on myself and improvement and guess what, as of yet no woman has seemed to drop into my lap, because it obviously doesn't work that way. I need to actually find ways to meet them.

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