should African Americans be recompensed for the slave labor of their ancestors?

I think yes, and I never did until it was explained to be like this:

It’s not about slavery. It’s about ability to acquire wealth. In a capitalist society, this is our most important right as people. We can get a job, save up, and for many white people in America we have acquired so much generational wealth that many of us have a comfy inheritance when our parents die, investments, etc. Because up until ~60 years ago black people were considered subhuman, were worked for free labor, underpaid, etc, they did not have the ability to acquire wealth in the same way as white people, and because of this, our lower classes to this day are primarily people of color. It’s not about compensation for slavery when those people are already dead, it’s about using the money that they should have been rightfully able to earn to help the communities that they built and were part of.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread