Clearly Trump is Innocent

They know it's fascism. It's what they want.

I was just reading a self-described "alt-right" subreddit- with many thousands of subscribers- and found posts discussing "how to promote fascism" in america- and they used the word "fascism" many times to describe their ideology. There was no dog whistling or attempt at being inconspicuous. They know they're fascist.

When they deny their fascism they're baiting us into wasting time arguing with them about how they are fascist. They drop little quips like "lol the left is fascist not the right" and then they walk away and leave everyone else to write up essays explaining why they're wrong. Meanwhile, while we're collectively spending millions of man-hours all across the internet writing articles or posting comments or videos explaining point-for-point why the alt-right is fascist they've already moved ahead with promoting their fascism elsewhere.

They know they're fascist. Stop falling for their bait.

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