Clever girl

Sure, “hey” is how people meet naturally. I’ve found that men who just say “hey” after I’ve initiated and asked something about their profile generally doesn’t go anywhere beyond that initial exchange.

Unless a guy says he’s busy at work or traveling or something, awkward pauses after an exchange or two is definitely a sign that we aren’t matching and/or they’ve met someone else instead. In my experience, men who are interested will continue to pursue me. Those with awkward pauses drop off soon after a “hey sorry, what are you up to” exchange. When I ask what they’ve been up to, they often won’t respond.

Sure I can see a religious girl being hesitant to pursue anything with an atheist. Genuinely curious- were you looking for a relationship or something casual? Do you view it as a “challenge” instead of going after a fellow atheist (or non-religious) female who may be more aligned?

Yes a ONS doesn’t require any rapport. Just a time and place haha

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