Clinton says foreign leaders want to endorse her to stop Trump

A number of nations, just suddenly and spontaneously reaching out to the self-styled Leader of the Resistance to dump Trump for them, huh? And this tidbit comes fearlessly from the dear self-styled Leader herself, right on the heels of the Der Spiegel piece about Trump. What totally un-suspicious coincidences! Not quite as big in the coincidence department as almost every single Democratic officeholder, local, state and federal, in this entire, vast nation endorsing her in the primary, but, still impressive. And who could have guessed that Hillary's timing would be this good? Certainly no one who saw her dance on the Ellen Show (or anywhere else, for that matter)!

Foreign nations "endorsing" her to stop Trump? So, they, too, are "with her?" But, what does "endoring her to stop Trump" mean, anyway? Is Stopping Trump a new federal office for which she is running? Or does she mean they are offering whatever help they might be to her (or anyone) in stopping Trump, but she's just grown fond of the endorse terminology? Oh, and do they want Trump stopped, or do they only want him stopped by former Special Snowflake SOS?

If Hillary can stop Trump, I must wonder why she failed to Stop Trump during the general campaign, when it would have been ever so much easier than stopping him after his inauguration?

BTW, why is it okay for the foreign nations allegedly reaching out to Hillary (and not vice versa) to mess around in our internal affairs and, yea, our very democracy?

What is Her stirring up now, that zombie candidate who apparently will never stop trying to eat your brain and mine?

To yon Hillary Cassius Rodham MacBeth Clinton:

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