Clonazepam and worried

I know I'm probably pissing into the wind here, but I'm going to say it anyway.

OP, I'm sorry, this isn't really directed at you, although I do think your doctor is an idiot.

This guy is current on six different psych meds! 6! And no one here is questioning it, and a few people are suggesting adding some more meds into the mix!

This is classic poly-drugging and is absurd.

Firstly, none of these drugs are "perfect", meaning none act in a nice clean way to give a desired effect without side effects. All drugs only work "up to a point", and all drugs have side effects. We just hope in most cases the positive effects outweigh the negative.

Unfortunately, for psych meds, they typically only work slightly better than placebos, meaning that they sort of work a bit, but are not great. Plus, they all have side effects.

I guess that's why someone can end up using six different meds, trying to find the right combo.

Also, the effects from meds tends to vary over time, and this is especially true for psych meds. Some work really well initially, and then tend to fade out (eg Benzos) , while some take days or weeks to build up (eg SSRI's). Very few work exactly the same day after day, month after month. Unfortunately, for many the desired effect tends to decline over time, while the side effects tend to increase.

Then, they can interact. Perhaps not a large amount, perhaps not even enough to be noticeable when there are just two meds. But when there are six meds involved, that is potentially 30 different interactions! Then add variables such as diet, other supplements, sleep, exercise, stress, etc.

There is just no way someone can balance six meds to get just the right effect and expect to maintain it.

Unfortunately, when eventually the time comes to come off some of these meds, things will only get worse. There WILL be side effects, but who is to say what is a side effect of withdrawal and what is a new symptom that requires treatment?

There are no simple answers in this situation, but adding more drugs is not a good idea.

OP, I'd be looking for a second opinion on your medication regime.

/r/benzodiazepines Thread