Cloud9 vs. Royal Never Give Up / MSI 2021 - Rumble Stage / Post-Match Discussion

His early laning is pretty weak tho

He's been consistently put into unfavorable lane matchups, and considering the kind of games blaber has had..
In the rumble stage so far going by soloq CSD/XPD stats he's only had a single favorable early lane matchup.
Malphite vs Lucian (Heavily unfavored)
Sion vs Sylas (Slightly unfavored)
Karma vs Sion (Slightly unfavored)
Sett vs Lee Sin (Favored)
Jayce vs Yorick (Unfavored)
Renekton vs GP (Unfavored)
I'm a little confused by the Karma vs Sion and Jayce vs Yorick ones though, I would expect Karma and Jayce to definitely have the early advantage. Those matchups had fairly small sample sizes though so that could be the issue.

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