CMV: It is acceptable to decide the current state of the world is not ok, but choose to "stay out of" it and try to just live a happy life.

I think there are a couple ways to look at your statement differently.

Firstly, you're classifying these "micro" and "macro" actions as being two different things. In my opinion, all people have a collective responsibility to do good things in some shape or form, no matter what form that takes. You might not be fixing climate change by running an NGO, but you might set off a spark in one of your students that leads them to a career in sustainable resource management.

Secondly, I think looking at the world as "bad" and "able to be fixed" is a but unrealistic because the world has always had problems and always will. The important part is recognizing that quality of life has always improved throughout time, and that it will continue to increase even though a completely "good" world may never exist.

/r/changemyview Thread