Cmv: colleges shouldn't be free, highschools should be better

As much as we like to say college is about the content of the education, that's honestly a small part of it.

Children's brains continue to develop into their early 20s, so a big portion of college is learning how to make decisions and solve problems. These problems can be a math equation -- or they can be bad relationships, social conundrums, and financial issues. What college provides is a sort of transition into adulthood, with a pseudo community and stronger safety nets to help out. And during that period, our brains develop rapidly.

We need to stop viewing schools as a place where we shove information into people's heads, or a place that just trains people for jobs. The world is like an open-world game without any objectives. What college does is show you those invisible objectives that help lead to a better quality of life. It's like a cheat code for life, but one that costs too much for some people to afford.

/r/changemyview Thread