Dallas Buyers Club: Federal Court orders internet service providers pay 75pc of film owner's legal costs - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

There are only three types of people on this earth - those that oppose the corruption of corporations, those that just don't care, and those that get paid to defend corporate interests.

Tell me - how much do you get paid for being a shill? Genuinely curious.

Let's make you earn your dollar. /u/Bad-citizen made it clear to anyone who pays even the slightest attention to current affairs, that he/she is referring to the TPP and the ISDS provisions contained therein:


It's because you are most likely only actually posting for the dollar and don't REALLY care for the rights of your employers that you roll out the tired straw man that "companies have the right to be paid for their content" - as if this would stump the wits of anyone with a brain larger than an ant.

Yes - we all agree that producers of content deserve to be paid for their labour. But if this was actually all the corporations were asking for - there would hardly be any conflict at all. No - what they want is to artificially restrict supply and competition in distribution channels so they can extract a disproportionate share of wealth for their labour. You might have recognised that we already have a problem with wealth distribution at the moment if you stopped sucking dick for just a little while.

Here's just one example of the type of shit they'll pull if you don't pay attention:


Not to mention that it's not even really the creators of content that get most of the revenue (with the exception of the few chosen hotties that win the stardom lottery). It's the owners of capital that end up getting the vast majority of it. The internet provides the technological means for creators to be rewarded directly by consumers - but the corporations are doing everything they can to ensure that it all goes through them so that they can be the ultimate progenitors of culture.

Well fuck that shit.... and fuck you for defending them. I hope at least they pay you well.

/r/australia Thread Parent Link - abc.net.au