Daily Discussion Thread: 05/06/2015

O fuck I just had a scary ass dream. I usually sleep when these r posted but I woke up cause it freaked the fuck out of me. OK I think it was sleep paralysis. In my dream I'm standing in a dark room and there are two beds in front of me. There's a woman sleeping in one and a man sleeping in another. And sitting next to the man in the bed is a freaky ass doll, like chucky but worse. In my dream the doll turns and looks at me and says "kill them" and I'm like in a trance. I walk over to the nightstand where there's a handgun. I pick it up, walk over to both people and shoot them in the back of their heads and body. I'm covered in blood and splashback. I walk back to the foot of the beds of the couple. The doll finally moves. Its head is covered with blood too and slowly turns and looked at me and said "good job. But you forgot one thing... YOU FORGOT TO KILL ME"(in retrospect this sounds cheesyaf) and the fucking doll flies across the bed like a puppet on strings and lunges at me. Except it stops an inch away from my face with its red hot coal eyes covered in blood looking at me. At this point I realized its a dream and try to wake up. This wear I freakout. I know I'm sleeping but I can't move and I can feel my whole body shaking like I'm having a seizure. I literally can't breath and my breathe is super shallow and rapid as I pretty much have a miniseizure. It takes a huge amount of effort but I snap out of it and I finally yank my head to the left. I can't tell if the shaking was in my head or not, but it was literally like having a seizure. My eyes felt like they were shaking too, I kept switching between seeing the black of my closed eyes and the dolls blood caked face an inch away from mine. Crazy ass shit. I thought no big deal just one bad dream, go to sleep again, happens again too fuck. Now I'm scares to sleep gg.

/r/bodybuilding Thread