CMV: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report were bad for democracy and paved the way for Trump.

This is like being upset at Wikileaks for exposing DNC corruption and complicity in creating narratives with the mainstream media and the Clinton Campaign's complicity in creating the pied piper strategy to elect Donald Trump.

Exposing or mocking the system does not make it undemocratic, it galvanizes outrage and compels people to act to challenge the system.

Stewart and Colbert were proponents of the system but their greatest moments were in challenging the system. Unfortunately, those were moments and their careers were spent in pacifying the left with the narrative that both sides were equally responsible for America's dysfunction.

The narrative that it was the people and to a lesser extent the media/politicians that was creating the dysfunction and divisive rhetoric, but failed to shine a light on the legislators corporate sponsors and how they manipulated politicians into enriching their company at public expense.

They believe in democracy, but only channeled democratic action into political parties that ignored and undermined the integrity of the system.

/r/changemyview Thread