CMV: I don't think it's accurate to describe Milo Yiannopoulos as a Nazi

You understand the Iron Cross was a German military medal awarded to those who helped murder six million Jews, no one should be wearing an Iron Cross. The OC Choppers probably didn't realize the symbolism when they designed their logo, however, its completely untrue that they go around wearing literal iron crosses like Milo.

I never said anyone who likes Wagner or Nitsche is a Nazi, but if you happen to list Wagner, Nitsche, and Schopenhauer as your "three greatest passions" that might evoke suspicion. Conveniently, you forgot to mention Schopenhauer who helped popularize 'the master race theory', I don't think I need to explain to you the significance of that theory or why someone who idolizes one of its creator might evoke suspicions of being a Nazi.

Did you not read his Nazi prose, where he denied Kristallnacht happened, said Jews "are the synagogue of satan", talked about "stabbing them", stated they were happen dead because they were "Without Zion" (Judaism), and then ended the poem by stating his passionate love for swastikas.

Are you really going to say this guy is not a Nazi fetishist?

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