CMV: I feel feminism isn't needed in America

That's not going to happen, they would be very hard.

Why? Why is it so hard for women to have their fair share of decision making positions when women make up half of the population?

Anita Sarkessian, Emma Watson, pretty much anyone in Gawker.

You named some feminists, I asked for some examples of change feminists in the real world were trying to accomplish that you consider toxic.

I didn't, I was making an example.

It's a bad example.

If men had no say in abortion, that would be sexist.

It's sexist against men to not let men control what women do with their bodies? Are you serious?

excluding men from having a say in abortion is what feminism should be fighting against, because, according to you, feminism is about men and women being equal, and that is not equality.

Okay, let me know when men do equal work in the process of having babies, then they can have equal say. To balance it out, since I know you're going to cry inequality, when women can pass the physical tests, then they can be Navy SEALs.

Prove it, citation needed.

There are numerous citations in this thread.

I did. What's your point? How your brain works heavily influences how you act.

My point is we as a society value what we percieve as women's strengths less than men's as evidenced by the fact that women dominated fields pay less.

Because there is a lot of people trying to get into those careers, so they become worth less. This is supply and demand 101

So why aren't the male dominated careers that lots of people are trying to get into paid less?

No you didn't

Yes I did. Feminists changed the legal definition of rape specifically to include men.

Strange how you never hear about that thou, it's almost like there's nobody in it.

I hear about it all the time, as a feminist.

Are you saying that women are better at making decisions than men? That's sexist, something feminism is supposed to be against.

No, I'm saying that since feminists have historically opposed the draft, putting more women in decision making positions might have killed the draft by now.

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