cmv: Food delivery services like door-dash, grubHub, and Uber eats do more harm than good to their customers.

Saying food delivery services do more harm than good for their customers can only be true if all customers subscribe to the same set of values AB’s properties as you, which are assumptions that are almost certainly not true.

While you are not wrong to value health and longevity, and only consider physical restrictions to be valid for necessitating food delivery, it is also not wrong for another individual to value the quality over the quantity of their time or consider mental health and convenience or safety to be valid reasons for having food delivered to their home. Food and convenience may be material to their satisfaction and joy in life. Social anxiety, shame, or depression, not wanting to drink and drive or spend time driving and waiting instead of working late to retain their employment could may not make delivery a requirement to you, but it could be in their view.

We’re not all required to value the same things equally, and our ability to make choices for ourselves based on our values is what makes our lives meaningful to us. You don’t know why everyone you deliver to has ordered food, you are assuming. You may be wrong. But if your assumptions are right, your judgment of them isn’t a universal truth, it is a subjective opinion about another person’s life, and your opinion isn’t more valid than their own in determining what is valuable or necessary for them.

/r/changemyview Thread