My [23F] best friend [25F] is a nurse who hates doctors. I am in medical school and at my wits end, but want to try to save the friendship.

If she thinks nurses are looked down on by the physicians, she should try being the support staff in administration. You know---those people who may have masters or doctoral degrees that work in the offices handling patient follow up, or [especially] environmental services? It's hilarious the amount of times we say hello, only to have the person in front of us stare ahead and act like they didn't hear us. Yes, by nurses, too.

She needs to get over it, though. We're there for the patients, not the assholes we work with. If she has an issue with one physician, she needs to take it up with them, not the entire workforce. I can't count the times that the NP or physician has been kind to me while I'm taking financial info and asked what time I'D be done so that they could come back later without interrupting me. I always let the doctors take over, but those kinds of people make my day much better, and there are so many of them that drown out the sour grapes.

She may very well step on the wrong person's toes one day though, and it'll be the end of her damn career.

/r/relationships Thread